The Handy Tips Guide to the iPad & iPad mini is quite simply the best written, most comprehensive illustrated tips book available anywhere for the iPad.
It covers the fantastic new Apple hardware including the fourth generation iPad and iPad mini. It also has a plethora of tips for iOS 6 including Facebook and Maps integration, making it suitable for all iPad models.
Jump in, discover its secrets now. The Handy Tips Guide is the book equivalent of an expert friend. It gives you a helpful hand the minute you ask for it. A truly exceptional guide, each chapter is filled with gold nuggets of tips. Succinct and to the point. Presented in a logical order that allows you to jump to any page you want, precisely when you need it, giving you answers, fast.
There are an indulgent amount of high definition Retina screenshots that complement the clear and concise writing to help you better understand. A wonderful feature of The Handy Tips Guide is that you can double-tap the images so they expand for a more detailed view, and double-tap them again to return to the book.
The team behind The Handy Tips Guide understands that iPad users have different levels of familiarity with the iPad, there are foundation tips for complete beginners, and advanced tips for those who are experts but want to truly get the most out of their iPad user experience.
Download the free sample and see for yourself the massive Table of Contents.
Featuring over 500 independently researched and tested feature explanations this is the book that experts can learn from.
With intuitive presentation and a truly comprehensive range of tips The Handy Tips Guide will empower you to get the very most out of your new iPad and iPad mini.
Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "The Handy Tips Guide to the iPad & iPad mini" di Andrew Andronicou, edito da Handy Tips Ltd., è in vendita anche su in formato Kindle al prezzo di Euro 3,99
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