martedì 25 dicembre 2012

iPad in Easy Steps: Covers iOS 6 for iPad with Retina Display (3rd and 4th Generation) and iPad 2

Contenuto del volume:

iPad in easy steps, 4th edition is the ideal guide to help the reader make the most of their new Apple tablet computer.

Written in jargon-free, easy to understand language and laid out in easy steps with colour screenshots and illustrations, iPad in easy steps, 4th edition will soon have the user whizzing through the features of their new iPad.

Covers iPad 2, The New iPad and the latest operating system, iOS 6.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "iPad in Easy Steps: Covers iOS 6 for iPad with Retina Display (3rd and 4th Generation) and iPad 2", 4th edition, di Drew Provan, edito da In Easy Steps Limited, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 10,04.

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